Cigar tubes
Cigar tubes are mainly used as packaging for cigars. Cigar tubes, also known as tubo, are not soft and flexible like leather cases but they are extremely stable and they protect the cigars from drying out, even if they are stored in them for several weeks. Our cigar tubes are also very popular for products such as perfume or liquors.
Cigar tubes
Cigar tubes are mainly used as packaging for cigars. Cigar tubes, also known as tubo, are not soft and flexible like leather cases but they are extremely stable and they protect the cigars from drying out, even if they are stored in them for several weeks. Our cigar tubes are also very popular for products such as perfume or liquors.
Cigar tubes
Cigar tubes are mainly used as packaging for cigars. Cigar tubes, also known as tubo, are not soft and flexible like leather cases but they are extremely stable and they protect the cigars from drying out, even if they are stored in them for several weeks. Our cigar tubes are also very popular for products such as perfume or liquors.
The base material for our cigar tubes are the aluminum slugs. Slugs are aluminum slices that can be thick or thin / large or small depending on the cigar tube. The specially pre-treated slugs are shaped in an impact extrusion process using a die and an extrusion punch. After the extrusion process, the cigar tubes are cut to the desired length. They can be finished with a base coat (external varnish) over the entire surface, after which they pass through an oven to dry. After the cigar tubes have been printed using the indirect dry offset process, they are finished with a thread. Our range also includes two-piece cigar tubes that can be pushed together.
We offer our cigar tubes in different lengths from 80 mm to 180 mm and diameters from ø15.3 to ø26. You can also choose from different shapes for the bottom, such as round or flat.
On request, you can also get plug-in or screw caps from us. Embossing or printing on the lid is also possible. Our competent contact persons will also be happy to advise you by telephone.
The base material for our cigar tubes are the aluminum slugs. Slugs are aluminum slices that can be thick or thin / large or small depending on the cigar tube. The specially pre-treated slugs are shaped in an impact extrusion process using a die and an extrusion punch. After the extrusion process, the cigar tubes are cut to the desired length. They can be finished with a base coat (external varnish) over the entire surface, after which they pass through an oven to dry. After the cigar tubes have been printed using the indirect dry offset process, they are finished with a thread. Our range also includes two-piece cigar tubes that can be pushed together.
We offer our cigar tubes in different lengths from 80 mm to 180 mm and diameters from ø15.3 to ø26. You can also choose from different shapes for the bottom, such as round or flat.
On request, you can also get plug-in or screw caps from us. Embossing or printing on the lid is also possible. Our competent contact persons will also be happy to advise you by telephone.
The base material for our cigar tubes are the aluminum slugs. Slugs are aluminum slices that can be thick or thin / large or small depending on the cigar tube. The specially pre-treated slugs are shaped in an impact extrusion process using a die and an extrusion punch. After the extrusion process, the cigar tubes are cut to the desired length. They can be finished with a base coat (external varnish) over the entire surface, after which they pass through an oven to dry. After the cigar tubes have been printed using the indirect dry offset process, they are finished with a thread. Our range also includes two-piece cigar tubes that can be pushed together.
We offer our cigar tubes in different lengths from 80 mm to 180 mm and diameters from ø15.3 to ø26. You can also choose from different shapes for the bottom, such as round or flat.
On request, you can also get plug-in or screw caps from us. Embossing or printing on the lid is also possible. Our competent contact persons will also be happy to advise you by telephone.
We're using dry offset, an indirect letterpress process for the printing of our cigar tubes. After the blank cigar tube has been created it is given the desired base coat. The printing ink is applied on top of this varnish after a short intermediate drying period. The printing inks are successively transferred wet-on-wet (without intermediate drying) onto a rubber blanket. The cigar tube then rolls off this rubber blanket. During this process, the printing colors are transferred to the cigar tube all at once. Photopolymer printing plates are used as printing plates. Our cigar tubes can be printed with up to 5 colors. The printing is done in solid colors (according to Pantone, HKS or colorimetrically evaluable color template). Further information can be found in our data sheets.

We're using dry offset, an indirect letterpress process for the printing of our cigar tubes. After the blank cigar tube has been created it is given the desired base coat. The printing ink is applied on top of this varnish after a short intermediate drying period. The printing inks are successively transferred wet-on-wet (without intermediate drying) onto a rubber blanket. The cigar tube then rolls off this rubber blanket. During this process, the printing colors are transferred to the cigar tube all at once. Photopolymer printing plates are used as printing plates. Our cigar tubes can be printed with up to 5 colors. The printing is done in solid colors (according to Pantone, HKS or colorimetrically evaluable color template). Further information can be found in our data sheets.
We're using dry offset, an indirect letterpress process for the printing of our cigar tubes. After the blank cigar tube has been created it is given the desired base coat. The printing ink is applied on top of this varnish after a short intermediate drying period. The printing inks are successively transferred wet-on-wet (without intermediate drying) onto a rubber blanket. The cigar tube then rolls off this rubber blanket. During this process, the printing colors are transferred to the cigar tube all at once. Photopolymer printing plates are used as printing plates. Our cigar tubes can be printed with up to 5 colors. The printing is done in solid colors (according to Pantone, HKS or colorimetrically evaluable color template). Further information can be found in our data sheets.
Thermal transfer
Thermal transfer printing is quite a new printing process. Unlike the name suggets, thermal transfer printing does not work with pressure but with heat: color pigments are transferred from a foil carrier, the thermal transfer color foil, to the substrate to be printed by means of the effect of heat. Because the printing process is dry, the prints can be used immediately. The quality of the prints is generally high. Thermal transfer printing delivers sharp-edged and consistently good print results on a wide range of substrates. Thermal transfer printing is a highly environmentally friendly technology that produces no harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC) and requires no special ventilation measures. Thermal transfer foil poses no risk to employees or the environment. The foil can be disposed of with household waste without any problems. Thermal transfer foils also have a high thermal value. It is therefore possible to recycle them for energy recovery.
Thermal transfer
Thermal transfer printing is quite a new printing process. Unlike the name suggets, thermal transfer printing does not work with pressure but with heat: color pigments are transferred from a foil carrier, the thermal transfer color foil, to the substrate to be printed by means of the effect of heat. Because the printing process is dry, the prints can be used immediately. The quality of the prints is generally high. Thermal transfer printing delivers sharp-edged and consistently good print results on a wide range of substrates. Thermal transfer printing is a highly environmentally friendly technology that produces no harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC) and requires no special ventilation measures. Thermal transfer foil poses no risk to employees or the environment. The foil can be disposed of with household waste without any problems. Thermal transfer foils also have a high thermal value. It is therefore possible to recycle them for energy recovery.
Theral transfer
Thermal transfer printing is quite a new printing process. Unlike the name suggets, thermal transfer printing does not work with pressure but with heat: color pigments are transferred from a foil carrier, the thermal transfer color foil, to the substrate to be printed by means of the effect of heat. Because the printing process is dry, the prints can be used immediately. The quality of the prints is generally high. Thermal transfer printing delivers sharp-edged and consistently good print results on a wide range of substrates. Thermal transfer printing is a highly environmentally friendly technology that produces no harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC) and requires no special ventilation measures. Thermal transfer foil poses no risk to employees or the environment. The foil can be disposed of with household waste without any problems. Thermal transfer foils also have a high thermal value. It is therefore possible to recycle them for energy recovery.
We're happy to answer your questions personally as well.
We're happy to answer your questions personally as well.